Javier Barrera

Javier Barrera

Computer Science Student at California State University, Northridge

Active member in the Hispanic community looking to build technologies in the mobile and software development. 3+ years of leadership experience, teamwork, and communication at SHPE CSUN. Seeking a summer internship in software engineering.


CSUN Accessibility Challenge, California State University, Northridge

February 2020

Job summary.

  • Competed in a campus competition with a team where we created an android application for the deaf and hard of hearing
  • Lead a team of four by directing sprint sessions to catch up with progress, created requirements for our project, and lead a live demo of our product to an audience
  • Utilized Android Studio and researched text to speech libraries to create a button that allowed a user to have their speech appear in text in the app

Teaching Instructor

The Coding School

September 2019-December 2019

Job summary.

  • Taught an afterschool program at a middle school, teaching middle school students basic HTML and CSS concepts allowing the students to create their own websites
  • Coordinated classroom lessons with another tutor by creating lesson presentations and improving students’ understanding by answering questions and live demo walkthroughs

WorkforceReady Bixel Exchange

September 2019-December 2019

Job summary.

  • Participated in the workforce ready program and received a certificate for completing the modules
  • Completed various workshops that included writing professional emails, preparing for job interviews and participating in company meetings


California State University, Northridge, Expected Graduation Date: May 2021

Bachelor Science, Computer